Kirkland Urban Was Filled with PRIDE for the 2023 Celebration

Love is love – and our stylish backdrop provided the perfect photo opportunity to share this message.

DJ Mixxtress set up in the KU plaza to spin danceable beats enjoyed by all.

It’s not every day you get to see performers in stilts hanging out at KU – but you sure could during our PRIDE celebration!

Various KU businesses and organizations set up shop to hand out PRIDE-filled giveaways.

The face painting booth was a roaring success – offering a few colorful designs to choose from!

Folks were able to stop by and grab some free KU PRIDE swag.

Live performances took place in the plaza throughout PRIDE, including a show from drag artists Athena Colby, Kristi Champagne, Holli B. Sinclair, Issa Man, and Sativa the Queen.

Even dogs got in the PRIDE spirit!

Crowds gathered in the Plaza to soak in all the day’s events and festivities.

PRIDE was a fun time for all – from young to old and small to tall!